Motel 6
The End Is Near.
Road trips are glorified.
A glorified hell. But, before losing your mind, know that there’s a place to get away from the road right around the corner. From crammed in the backseat to blue signs leading you to relief… with Motel 6, The End Is Near.
The DeTour Bus
Road trips might be hellish but if you have to drive, think about booking a Motel 6 DeTour bus. An RV that has a Motel 6 room on wheels to make a miserable ride a lot more manageable.
Motel 6 Meal
If you can’t make the bus though, no worries, passing McDonalds will save your sanity. The McDonalds Motel 6 meal will include a souvenir keychain that will allow you to keep a memory and make a discounted reservation for a room at Motel 6 that night.
Spotify X Motel 6
If that keychain wasn’t enough to get you off the road, Spotify will. Motel 6 has taken over your Spotify’s car view and interrupted your listening. Are you sure you want to keep driving? Click yes and fall into the most horrific road trip playlist ever. How much more can you take?
So, your road-mates apparently like bad music. Okay well, good thing we have our SOS system. Simply tweet at us your car ride woes with the hashtag #EndItMotel6 and we’ll respond with excuses to get you out of the car and into the nearest Motel 6.
…That didn’t work? Well, Motel 6 still has your back. At the next gas station, pick up our backseat drivers emergency kit. Included is a not-so-fresh air freshener and a timed fake smoke bomb to cause a “faulty engine”. Yes, we are saving you from the misery of the road. You’re welcome.
Emergency Road Trip Kit
Hello Fresh 6
YOU MADE IT. Your tears of agony just turned into tears of joy. Room to breathe and an exclusive microwaveable HelloFresh meal is staring back at you. After all the fast food it’s time to fuel up on a healthy meal out of the car. Eat fresh, the recovery from the road has arrived.
The End Is Near Marathon
Now you’re finally rested, fueled, and out of the cage. The end has officially come and you’re free from the road. Uncramp your body at one of Motel 6’s destination Marathons. Run your road rage out and if you plan to stick around a few more nights, get your vacation off on the right foot.